Public Affairs
Responsible for the promotion of Arizona as a captive insurance domicile including development and maintenance of the Association website and the publication of the newsletter. The Public Affairs committee will develop initiatives and conduct events/activities that are designed to promote and enhance Arizona's reputation as the favorable captive insurance domicile.
Tasha Cycholl, Chair | Membership
Responsible for membership recruitment, membership eligibility, membership fees and membership services including member education and networking.
Allan Smith, ChairGovernment Affairs
Responsibile for developing and maintaining the Association's public policy positions and relationships with other organizations and constituencies interested in impacting the attractiveness of Arizona as a captive insurer domicile and the affairs of the Association. This committee will act as the liaison with the Arizona Department of Insurance, other Arizona state agencies, other public and private sector associations and organizations with respect to such matters as legeslative affairs, regulatory affairs, legislative proposals, rules and policy statements as well as any other policy actions or initiatives to advance the objectives of the Association.
J. Michael Low, Chair |